However, Lord’s Teaching (aka Agni
Yoga Teaching, through Helena
) is the Highest Measure and
Final Authority
* for present (and
foreseeable future) humankind on

So we can Compare and Make Clear
Sin and Forgiveness from as

From Agni Yoga, Aum (1936), 47:

a.)  “Man prays for forgiveness, yet
fails to alter his manner of living

“Man bewails his misfortune,
but does not abandon a single
habit which brought him into his
state of sorrow

Just praying for forgiveness has
no meaning –
if it is not accompanied
by reformation of life

It is not sorrow but hypocrisy
when the Higher Wisdom is burdened
by self-pity. …

14.)  Why Lord said that, Catholic
Christians will be among the last groups
to recognize and accept Him ?

LMW: Because they:

a.)  Taking Lightly About Sins !

b.)  Deny, Reject and Omit (Leave Out)
The Most Essential Laws of Life,
Creation and Evolution—
such as:

(i)  ""The Law of Karma""
or Law of Cause and Effect).

(ii)  ""The Law of Reincarnation""
or Law of Periodic Rebirth).

(iii)  ""The Resurrection of the Spirit"".

16.)  we appreciate the value and
necessary importance of major religions
(as earthly forms to preserve true
teachings, even if distorted)—
* Lord Maitreya is Cosmic Magnet Appointed ""World Teacher for now incoming
Aquarius Age"" and ""Decider of whom may enter the Kingdom of God"".