118.)  Important Contradistinction
Between ""Forces Of Light"" And
'"Forces of darkness'" Towards Their


I.  Whereas Lord, Spiritual Hierarchy and
Forces Of Light
Are Always Grateful To
Their Disciples, Servants And Even

a.)  By Recording To The Divine Eternal
Every Single Selfless: Deed,
Sacrifice And Service For:

●  God's Plans.

Lord Maitreya's Missions.

The Common Good.

b.)  And Never Misses Or Fails To:
Reward And Help Them In Due Time…


II.  Evil Wicked Dark Masters,
on the contrary:

Are never grateful,

Are never satisfied,
(iii)  And never trust their servants…

▪  Even if they are extremely faithful, fervent
and obedient,

▪▪  A
nd no matter how much they give up and
sacrifice for their dark master

a.)  In order to safeguard their own
control, power and secrets…

b.)  After their agents, servants, soldiers
and workers…

 outlive their usefulness,

 or fail to carry out their assignments,

 or have a change of heart, and trying to do
right (according to conscience, morals or
higher: principles and teachings),

c.)  Dark Masters will then:

▪  Suddenly and maliciously turn on them
without hesitation, remorse, or recognition of
their earlier sacrifices…

For exampleby disposing of them like
pawns, crippling them, or killing them,
including their families and loved ones