2nd Initiation - To pass 2nd Initiation,
we must discipline and control
emotional and physical selfishness
through the practice of the Lord's
teaching.  The 2nd Initiation is actually
the first initiation because once you
pass the 2nd Initiation, it is only a
matter of time for passing the higher
initiations.  This is the most important
initiation to pass because it
guarantees passing and reaching the
higher initiations.  How soon we pass
the higher initiations depends on our
own effort, will and SELFLESS LOVE.
Sharing is extremely important
because when we share we are
willingly moving towards SELFLESS
LOVE by attacking attachment.  
Sharing is our peaceful and
non-violent resistance and
noncompliance to injustice, inequality,
etc.  Sharing is the first step to
SELFLESS LOVE.  Sharing is the first
step to GOD.  Sharing is the first step
to Heaven on New Earth.  Sharing is
the first step to our own salvation,
survival and evolution (spiritual).  The
first step is the most important step,
without the first step we cannot go

Initiation Process
1st Initiation
- To pass 1st Initiation,
we must accept, recognize and begin
to choose GOD, Lord and Spiritual