*** The Highest Mighty
Cosmic Magnet [or Heart]

1.)  The Cosmic Magnet has placed the
Highest Might above everything
affirmed by cosmic law.

2.)  Only Reason can direct the Cosmic
Magnet – the Highest Cosmic Reason
which permeates everything, brings
tension to everything

3.)  The energies that differ in
potentiality take their proper place
in the Cosmos, affirming their role
according to level of their developing

4.)  So, the degree of potentiality of the
energy, determines its position on a
higher or lower step [of evolution].

5.)  Similarly is the evolution step of
human spirit determine; the Cosmic
Magnet intensifies the quality of the
spirit, leading it into the Infinite.

P.  Important Teachings from:
Signs of Agni Yoga (Part 10)

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